
Conference Programme

Friday, 14th October 2022:

1000 – 1015 OPENING SPEECH – University of Oradea
1015 – 1030 Associate prof. Paul DRAGOȘ PhD (University of Oradea, Romania)
1030 – 1045 Prof. Candan ALGUN PhD (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
1045 – 1100 OPENING SPEECH – Romanian Physiotherapy Order
1100 – 1130 COFFEE BREAK
1130 – 1250 PLENARY SESSION Keynote speakers: 
1130 – 1150 Associate prof. Esra DOGRU HUZMELI PhD - Telerehabilitation in stroke (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)
1150 – 1210 Associate prof. Elena SÎRBU PhD - The role of musculoskeletal ultrasound in rehabilitation (West University of Timișoara, Romania)
1210 – 1230 Assist. prof. Gizem ERGEZEN PhD - The place of blood flow restrictive training in physiotherapy (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
1230 – 1250 Prof. Nilufer CETISLI KORKMAZ PhD - Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Alzheimer's Disease (Pamukkale University, Turkey)
1250 – 1400
1400 – 1420 Vasile MARCU, Emilian TARCĂU, Ioan-Cosmin BOCA - Physical exercise - 100 years of contributing to Romanian's health (University of Oradea)
1420 – 1440 Bulent OZSEZIKLI - Perturbation in Rehabilitation (Bahcesehir University, Turkey)
1440 – 1500 Eren LEKESIZ - Rehabilitation after vertebral surgery (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)
1500 – 1520 Yasemin KARAASLAN - Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Urinary Incontinence (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)
1520 – 1540 Ozden GOKCEK - Pulmonary functions in children with iron deficiency anemia (Ege University, Turkey)
1540 – 1600 Ceyhun TURKMEN - Motor Learning (Cankırı University, Turkey)
1600 – 1630 COFFEE BREAK

Saturday, 15th October 2022:

0900 – 1000 Olivian SABĂU - Kinetix (University of Oradea, Romania)
1000 – 1130 Emese SZATVARI – Vojta Therapy (Romania)
1130 – 1300 Dr. Dan MEZEI – Mobility-Motility-Health (Romania)
1130 – 1300 Dana CRISTEA, Anca POP – Sports Screening: Postural Assessment (University of Oradea, Romania)
1300 – 1400 LUNCH BREAK
1400 – 1530 Klara KALMAN  Diastasis recti rehabilitation with the help of Pilates principles (University of Oradea, Romania)
1530 – 1700 Zoltan PASZTAI – Neurorehabilitation concept – Lădița Zoli (University of Oradea, Romania)

Conference Schedule

Friday, 14th October 2022:

1100 – 1130 Coffee break
1130 – 1250 PLENARY SESSION - Keynote speakers
1250 – 1400 Lunch break
1600 – 1630 Coffee break

Saturday, 15th October 2022:

0900 – 1030 Workshop 1 
1030 – 1200 Workshop 2 PT / Workshop PA
1200 – 1230 Coffee break
1230 – 1400 Workshop 3
1400 – 1530 Workshop 4


Ioan-Cosmin BOCA - Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

Klara KALMAN - Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

University of Oradea, 1, Universităţii Street, "C" Building, 1st Floor, Room 120
410087, Oradea, Bihor County, Romania

Event Email: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
Event Website: https://gts.uoradea.ro/physiotherapyconf
Event Location
Hotel Continental Forum Oradea, 1, Aleea Ștrandului Street
410051, Oradea, Bihor County, Romania
Participation Fee
20 euro / 100 Lei - For online participants 
30 euro / 150 Lei - For participants which will attend the conference physically

Account in EURO: RO79BTRLEURCRT0209644502
Account in LEI: RO59BTRLRONCRT0209644501


Client ID (CIF BT): 2096445

Bank name: Banca Transilvania

Participants are invited to send original works for the oral presentation session. 
The papers submitted for publication must be original, i.e., not been previously published in part or in full, and should be written in English. The responsibility for the content of the articles belongs exclusively to the authors. 
At the time of registration, participants must send the title and the abstract of the presentation.
The title must be written in capital letters and must be as concise as possible.
The names of the authors will be mentioned in full, without abbreviations in the order of first name, last name. Professional or academic degrees should not be mentioned.
The abstract must not exceed 1000 characters and must not contain figures or tables. In the case of articles that present the results of research studies, it is recommended to use the following style of structured abstracts: introduction/background, methods, results, discussions and conclusions.
In order for the abstract to be included in the program, at least one of the authors must be registered for the conference and have the participation fee paid by October 8, 2022.
Selected papers will be published in the Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy (https://revrokineto.uoradea.ro/en) or in the Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jetr). After the selection process the authors will be contacted by a journal’s representative and will be instructed on the specific requirements of each journal.


Coming soon...

Scientific Committee

♦ Prof. Candan Z. ALGUN PhD (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Prof. Nihal BÜKER PhD (Pamukkale University, Turkey)

♦ Prof. Nilufer CETISLI KORKMAZ Ph.D. (Pamukkale University, Turkey)

♦ Prof. Constantin CIUCUREL PhD (University of Pitești, Romania)

♦ Prof. Ali KİTİŞ PhD (Pamukkale University, Turkey)

♦ Prof. Vasile MARCU PhD (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Prof. Mihaela ORAVIȚAN PhD (West University of Timișoara, Romania)

♦ Prof. Carmen ȘERBESCU PhD (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Prof. Yavuz YAKUT PhD (Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey)

♦ Associate prof. Rute Sofia dos Santos CRISÓSTOMO PhD (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal)

♦ Associate prof. Esra DOGRU HUZMELI PhD (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)

♦ Associate prof. Paul DRAGOȘ PhD (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Associate prof. Dorina IANC PhD (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Associate prof. Elena Ioana ICONARU PhD (University of Pitești, Romania)

♦ Associate prof. Gheorghe LUCACIU PhD (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Associate prof. Elena SÎRBU PhD (West University of Timișoara, Romania)

♦ Assist. prof. Gizem ERGEZEN PhD (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Assist. prof. Seval KUTLUTÜRK YIKILMAZ PhD (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Assist. prof. Mustafa SAHIN PhD (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)


Friday, 14th October 2022:


10:00 – 11:00 | OPENING CEREMONY

10:00 – 10:30 | OPENING SPEECH – University of Oradea and Romanian Physiotherapy Order

10:30 – 10:45 | Prof. Candan ALGUN PhD (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

10:45 – 11:00 | Prof. Vasile MARCU PhD - Physical exercise - 100 years of contributing to Romanian's health (University of Oradea, Romania)

11:00 – 11:30 | COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 12:50 | PLENARY SESSION – Keynote speakers:

11:30 – 11:50 | Associate prof. Esra DOGRU HUZMELI PhD - Telerehabilitation in stroke (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)

11:50 – 12:10 | Associate prof. Elena SÎRBU PhD - The role of musculoskeletal ultrasound in rehabilitation (West University of Timișoara, Romania)

12:10 – 12:30 | Assist. prof. Gizem ERGEZEN PhD - The place of blood flow restrictive training in physiotherapy (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

12:30 – 12:50 | Prof. Nilufer CETISLI KORKMAZ PhD - Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Alzheimer's Disease (Pamukkale University, Turkey)

12:50 – 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK


14:00 – 14:20 | Bulent OZSEZIKLI - Perturbation in Rehabilitation (Bahcesehir University, Turkey)

14:20 – 14:40 | Eren LEKESIZ - Rehabilitation after vertebral surgery (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)

14:40 – 15:00 | Yasemin KARAASLAN - Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Urinary Incontinence (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey)

15:00 – 15:20 | Ozden GOKCEK - Pulmonary functions in children with iron deficiency anemia (Ege University, Turkey)

15:20 – 15:40 | Ceyhun TURKMEN - Motor Learning (Cankırı University, Turkey)

15:40 – 16:00 | Mylonas KONSTANTINOS, Andrea Mártha BOGDAN - Ergon IASTM Technique (Instrument assisted soft issue mobilization) Concept (Ergon Physiocenter Athens, Greece / Gokinetik Oradea, Romania)

16:00 – 16:30 | COFEE BREAK

16:30 – 18:30 | ORAL PRESENTATION

♦ Elena Ioana ICONARU, Mariana TUDOR, Constantin CIUCUREL - The relationship between the qt interval duration on ecg and the physical activity regime in young adults (University of Pitești, Romania)

♦ Aysenur YILMAZ, Nilufer CETISLI-KORKMAZ, Halil YILMAZ, M.Semin FENKCI, Goksel ALTINISIK ERGUR - The relationship between physical activity level, peripheral muscle strength and quality of life in Type 2 DM patient (Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey)

♦ Aziz DENGIZ, Nilufer CETISLI-KORKMAZ - The effect of turkish strategy game mangala on cognitive functions in individuals diagnosed with alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study (Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey)

♦ Esra YILMAZ, Nilufer ÇETİŞLİ-KORKMAZ - The effect of comorbidity on gait in individuals with stroke
(Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey)

♦ Bülent OZSEZIKLI, Gizem ERGEZEN - Investigation of the relationshıp of lower extremity muscle strength, stability limits and balance with fall score in nursing home residents (Bahcesehir University / İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Gökçe SAVAŞ, Merve YILMAZ MENEK - The effect of chronotype differences on physical activity level, bmi, and waist to hip ratio in young adults (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Umut İslam TAYBOĞA, Burak MENEK - Investigation of Acute Effect of Dynamic Stretching and Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization on Flexibility and Performance (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Ayşe İrem TOKUL, Gülay Aras BAYRAM, Zeliha Candan ALGUN - The analysis of the biopsychosocial characteristics of the individuals doing Pilates and the sedentary individuals in Covid-19 pandemic period (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Mustafa ŞAHIN - An observational, clinical trial on safety and efficacy of intra-articularhyaluronic acid (HA) the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: A prospective study (İstanbul Medipol University, Turkey)

♦ Ahmet UNCU, Nilufer CETISLI KORKMAZ - The relationship of ambulation and perception level with daily living activities in terms of recovery after stroke (Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey)

♦ Büşra Akıl ÇATALTAȘ, Nilufer CETISLI KORKMAZ - Mobile nine-hole peg test application in healthy elder adults: a pilot study (Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey)

♦ Adrian Titus SERSENIUC URZICĂ, Anca OLTEAN - Optimization of joint movements by physiotherapy in diaphyseal fractures of the humerus (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Raluca IANC, Emilian TARCĂU, Ioan-Cosmin BOCA - Management of a patient with brachial plexus injury (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Raluca FULGESCU, Anca POP, Mihai ILLE, Dana CRISTEA, Dorina IANC - An evaluation of athletic injuries incidence and prevention in university sports teams (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Anca Paula CIURBA, Gavril Adrian GAVRILIU, Daniela BERDIE, Dorina IANC - The effectiveness of hot mineral thermal water and physiotherapy for increasing sleep quality and decreasing pain intensity in patients with knee osteoarthritis (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Emilian TARCĂU, Theodora BORZE, Anca DEAC, Izabela LOZINCĂ - The influence of manual therapy in reducing migraines and cervical pain (University of Oradea, Romania)

♦ Mirela DAN - Recovery Methods for Patients Infected with COVID - 19 ("Vasile Goldiș" Western University of Arad, Romania)

Saturday, 15th October 2022:

09:00 – 10:00 | Olivian SABĂU - Kinetix (University of Oradea, Romania)

10:00 – 11:30 | Emese SZATVARI – Vojta Therapy (Romania)

11:30 – 13:00 | Dr. Dan MEZEI – Mobility-Motility-Health (Romania)

11:30 – 13:00 | Dana CRISTEA, Anca POP, Anca SABĂU, Mihai ILLE –  Motricity at preschool and primary school children (University of Oradea, Romania) | Location: University of Oradea, GYM Hall

13:00 – 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK

14:00 – 15:30 | Klara KALMAN – Diastasis recti rehabilitation with the help of Pilates principles (University of Oradea, Romania)

15:30 – 17:00 | Zoltan PASZTAI – Neurorehabilitation concept – Zoli's Box (University of Oradea, Romania)

- The 44th Edition -
 14-15 October, 2022

 hosted by
 Department of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Therapy, University of Oradea,
and co-organized with

Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, İstanbul Medipol University,

Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Pamukkale

Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Hasan Kalyoncu University,
Order of Physiotherapists from Bihor-Satu-Mare-Maramureș, Romania,


Professional Association of Physiotherapists from Transilvania, Romania

Event credited by the Order of Physiotherapists from Romania with 12 EMC credits according to the decision 411/08.09.2022