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Instructions for authors
Please mind the important dates and deadlines in order to successfully participate and publish in the workshop.
1. The oral presentations should be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint and should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
Please name your presentation in the following way: last name (in capitals)_first name_presentation title. Make sure to transfer your presentation by December 11th, 2023, to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..
2. Publication in NATO Science for Peace and Security Series Volume SPRINGER
Following a peer review process, the presented papers will have the opportunity to be published in the Conference proceedings volume NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Publisher Springer (indexed in Web of Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index).
The guidelines and technical instructions for the preparation of proceedings papers: https://www.
The paper template is available here. Please use the Word version of the template and submit your full papers in standard English, edited according the instructions to the email address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
Organizing Committee
♦ Dr. Laurel Berman, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, USA
♦ Dr. Constantin Bungău, University of Oradea, Romania
♦ Dr. Serap Erdal, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
♦ Dr. Vasile Grama, University of Oradea, Romania
♦ Dr. Pavlo Kobylin, Karazin Kharkiv National University
♦ Dr. Tin Lukic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
♦ Dr. Cezar Morar, University of Oradea, Romania
♦ Dr. Liudmyla Niemets, Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
♦ Dr. Kateryna Sehida, Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
♦ Dr. Eduard Simion, University of Oradea, Romania
♦ Dr. Aleksandar Valjarevic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
♦ Dr. Jan Wendt University of Gdańsk, Poland
♦ Jozsef Bodis, IT Specialist, University of Oradea, Romania
December 17, 2023 – Participants arrival. Hotel registration.
ARW Day 1 – December 18, 2023
Opening Ceremony
Presentations under Panel 1 titled “Scientific Support for the Decision Making in the Environmental Security Sector.” This workshop is an opportunity for experts from North America and Europe to assess the state-of-the art in the area of environmental security, to identify key research issues, and to discuss their technical approaches to security for many diverse threats to individuals, communities or nations. This workshop’s panel will be a useful avenue for international cooperation on assessing, surveying and developing mitigation plans for prevention of environmental hazards or episodes from defence-related activities and installations.
Training for Stakeholders
In addition to the ARW’s participants, stakeholders from the local level will be invited to participate in the Training for Stakeholders session. This training will further increase opportunities to develop interdisciplinary research on sustainable and healthy brownfield management with multicultural and comparative insights, while emphasizing practical involvement with municipal governments and the community at large. The training is based on the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s strategy to safely reuse land and address risks to public health. The training emphasizes a holistic and sustainable approach to redevelopment to ensure that brownfields reuse offers opportunities to improve public health and meets the needs of stakeholders for many generations to come. The training includes hands-on practice and learning opportunities for stakeholder education and engagement; environmental and health risk assessment; risk communication; sustainable community redesign; and development of trackable indicators to measure and monitor program implementation success (environmental and community health change). Participants in this session will be eligible to earn an Environmental Health and Land Reuse Certificate by completing a longer online course on their own time and at no cost.
ARW Day 2 – December 19, 2023
Presentations will be held under Panel 2 titled “Socio-Environmental Aspects of Reusing Former Military Lands”, organized in order to build a practical co-operation between NATO and NATO partners on the social and environmental aspects of reusing former military lands. This section will continue to build on the previous sessions, as the participants will examine the methods and formats for assessing the environmental characteristics of military lands for reuse, including land selection criteria, types of contamination, risk assessment approaches and prioritization methodologies. This session will include approaches for conversion and revival of former military areas with a focus on the most practical and cost-effective remediation techniques and redevelopment concepts. The panel will enhance the knowledge on the potential risks of military brownfield sites, as solutions will be provided for their management and re-use in NATO and NATO partner countries.
This panel will also contain a Raising Awareness Seminar, launched to inform the mass media and the general public about the project and the benefits of brownfield conversion. The seminar will be open for public and relevant stakeholder participation to foster sharing of knowledge between academics and practitioners, regulators, policy makers, developers, and end-users in the field of military brownfield management. Efforts will be made to interact with community representatives and members of the community at large in areas primarily affected by military brownfield sites. The seminar will enhance stronger links among the relevant stakeholders and community members impacted by military brownfields in Ukraine.
ARW Day 3 – December 20, 2023
Presentations will be held under Panel 3, an important component of international networking, titled “Global Approach to Brownfields Reuse - Sustainable Communities: A Special Focus on NATO-Partner Countries.” The panel will present the results of various aspects of brownfields redevelopment to mixed (academic and practitioner) stakeholders engaged in brownfield management issues to receive their feedback and input. The panel will provide a platform for developing and pursuing research ideas by senior and junior researchers in collaboration with one another and/or independently. In order to find solutions for today’s environmental security and challenges in connection to brownfields management, the panel will provide high-level discussions and information sharing.
Brainstorming Session: Brownfields Lessons for facilitating the generation of conclusions about the negative effects of brownfields. The planned method creates the opportunity for large group discussions based on a small group discussion of participants in an inner circle of the larger group. This form of participation creates the feeling of ownership of ideas for participants involved in the discussions.
ARW Day 4 – December 21, 2023
Strategic Planning Meeting where the activities during the ARW will be evaluated, as a critical assessment will be performed. The primary goal of this activity is to identify the direction of future actions, to initiate the next phase of cooperation, which will continue after the end of the ARW, ensuring the ARW’s sustainability, in order to meet the new challenges connected to military brownfields redevelopment and community sustainability & health and environmental security.
Participants departure.
Funded by:
Science for Peace and Security Programme
NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division (Link)
The (Military) Brownfields Problem, Public Health, and Environmental Security
Our security depends on the cooperation of allies about the issues that threaten our safety. Sharing strategies for solving common problems is one important way we can strengthen the alliance between NATO allies and partner countries. We, the North American and European NATO countries, know that derelict and contaminated land or brownfields are of concern for the safety of local communities and for planning and redevelopment efforts in NATO and NATO partner countries.
This project addresses multi-scale concerns with the cooperative partnership among seasoned researchers from NATO countries (Romania, U.S.A., Poland, Canada, Hungary, Turkey, the Czech Republic & Montenegro) and NATO partner countries (Ukraine, Serbia & Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The Special Focus on Ukraine, as a NATO Partner Country
The ARW will establish substantial cooperation among researchers from NATO nations and partner countries, while paying special attention to Ukraine’s military brownfields and challenges.
Thousands of military brownfield sites in Ukraine and brownfields and greyfields in the cities, exponentially aggravated by the war destruction, present a myriad of opportunities to create healthy cities, green manufacturing hubs, alternative energy generators, farms, or other sustainable land reuse practices. This international collaboration proposed will be a unique effort to develop a framework for sustainable military brownfields redevelopment using sites in Ukraine as a complex model.