The Research Center for Human Performance, together with the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Physiotherapy, coordinates the research activity for the two master's degree programs:

  • Physical Education and Sports Training;
  • Physioherapy in Functional Reeducation.

The collective scientific research activities are oriented in the following directions:

  • Physical education for different categories of people;
  • Sport at different levels of performance;
  • Sport adapted to people with special needs;
  • The influence of physical exercise in improving the quality of life;
  • Post-effort and/or posttraumatic physiotherapy recovery;
  • Physical therapy in various diseases;
  • Recreational exercises/physical activities;
  • Other aspects specific to human motor skills.

Director: Prof. IANC Dorina Florina, PhD | e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.