Guidelines for Authors

Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and must clearly articulate the objectives, methodology, results, and implications of your work;
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is October 14th, 2024;
The deadline for full-text manuscript submission is November 1st, 2024;
Please submit your abstracts via email: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and to working together to explore new frontiers in physical education, sport, and physiotherapy.

Participants are invited to send original works for the oral presentation session.

The papers submitted for publication must be original, i.e. not been previously published in part or in full and should be written in English.

The responsibility for the content of the articles belongs exclusively to the authors.

Participants must send the title and the abstract of the presentation at the time of registration.

The title must be written in capital letters and must be as concise as possible.

The names of the authors will be mentioned in full, without abbreviations in the order of first name, last name. Professional or academic degrees should not be mentioned.

The abstract must not exceed 500 words and must not contain figures or tables. In the case of articles that present the results of research studies, it is recommended to use the following style of structured abstracts: introduction/background, methods, results, discussions and conclusions.

For the abstract to be included in the program, at least one of the authors must be registered for the conference and have the participation fee paid by October 14th, 2024.

Selected papers will be published in the Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy or Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Fascicula Educaţie Fizică şi Sport. After the selection process the authors will be contacted by a journal’s representatives and will be instructed on the specific requirements of the journal.

The manuscripts which will not be published in the Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy or Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Fascicula Educaţie Fizică şi Sport will be published in extenso in the Conference Volume.

Recommendations for publishing in the Conference Volume

The paper will be written in English, and responsibility for the scientific content of the material rests entirely with the author(s). The paper must be between 2 and 6 pages. The paper will be written in MS Word, with Calibri font, size 12, justify alignment, 1.5 spacing, 2 cm margins.

The title will be written in capital letters, Calibri font, size 14, centered, 1 line spacing.

The author's name and surname will be written in Calibri 12 font, right-aligned, bold, italic. The corresponding author will be marked with a *.

The institutional affiliation of the authors, as well as the contact details of the corresponding author, will be written in the footnote, according to the model:

NAME Surname[1], NAME Surname[2]*

It is recommended that authors use the following structure:

  • For scientific papers: introduction, material and methods, results, discussions, conclusions and bibliography.
  • For theoretical works: introduction, material and methods, conclusions, bibliography.

References - will be entered in the text as number (e.g. [1]) and in the list of bibliographical references they will be numbered and written accordingly, as follows:

[1] For books - Name, Surname Initials, Surname, Surname Initials, etc. (year of publication), Title of publication, Publisher, City, year

[2] For scientific articles - Name, Surname Initials, Surname, Surname Initials, etc. (year of publication), Title of the article, Title of the journal, vol, no. page

The file will be named as follows: CSIO_2024_Name Surname of Corresponding author.

The articles will be sent at the e-mail address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

[1] Instutional affiliation:

[2] Corresponding author: e-mail, tel.